Peering policy

Peering Policy NOORD-IX – 52161

Noord-IX is willing to peer (IPv4/IPv6) with networks which we have one or more exchange points in common.
Peering requirements:

  • Peering partner needs to have an AS number assigned to them by a Regional Internet Registry in order to participate on the Noord-IX.
  • Both IPv4 and IPv6 network will be announced on the peering platform.
  • Only traffic with the destination for the prefixes that are announced by the peering platform are allowed. Do not point default routes or use static routes
    to send traffic that doesn’t match the routes our peering platform announces to you.
  • Peering partner requires an edge router capable of running BGP protocols.
  • The smallest network prefix for IPv4 accepted on the Noord-IX is /24, for a IPv6 network it’s a /48.
  • The preferred way of establish peering sessions is through route servers provided by Noord-IX, but peering sessions between members are allowed.
  • In the event of problems due to leaked advertisements, it is our policy to shut down peerings first and ask questions later.
  • Peering partner needs to have an AS number assigned to them by a Regional Internet Registry in order to participate on the Noord-IX.

Requesting peering to Noord-IX
Everyone who can meet the requirements are welcome to contact use via mail at to discuss peering.

Member list
The member list of the Noord-IX Internet Exchange is available on this page.
General Peering Information
ASN: 52161
Public Peering Locations: See
Private Peering Locations: See
Peering contact Information
Peering contact:
NOC contact: